Dowan Law Offices

Dowan Law Offices

Reasons why you benefit from a divorce

It's no big secret that a divorce can make you happier in almost every aspect of your life. Staying in a bad marriage just for the sake of doing so is wrong for both your emotional and physical health. You just shouldn't do it. Once you realize divorce is the best...

Going through a divorce with an offshore account

When you decide it's time to file for divorce, you need to get all your ducks in a row, including your assets. Every single asset must be disclosed when going through a divorce. You will sign a financial disclosure form attesting that you've disclosed all your assets....

Be prepared for child custody proceedings

If you're one of many Kentucky parents who are filing for divorce this year, you're also likely among those focused on their children's best interests. Divorce definitely has a significant impact on children's lives. However, data shows that most children are...
