Making the custody exchange appointment easy for all

Making the custody exchange appointment easy for all

On Behalf of | Apr 12, 2018 | Child Custody |

The exchange of child custody by parents or guardians is never easy. Even if you get along with the other parent, who very well could be your ex, the situation could be difficult for everyone to endure. If you think you are having trouble with the custody exchange just think of what your children are going through emotionally. Here’s how you can make the exchange appointment easy for everyone in Kentucky.

Try to bring a neutral third party to the exchange, especially if you and the other parent do not get along at all. This person can either conduct the exchange for you, be a buffer between you and the other parent or keep the child busy while you and the other parent talk.

Always be on time for the exchange. Showing up late will only anger the other parent. It will also make the children nervous, especially if they know how mad it makes the other parent when this happens.

Pick a neutral or safe location for the exchange. This can be a police station, a firehouse or a school. If at all possible, exchanging custody of your children at their school will make the situation very safe and comfortable for all involved. When doing so at a school, you can even have the third party be a teacher of the child to increase your child’s comfort level.

Whatever you decide to do when exchanging custody of your children with the other parent, just make sure it helps everyone stay calm, especially your children. They are already going through enough in Elizabethtown. Don’t make this situation worse than it already is for them.
