Child Custody

Child Custody

Protecting yourself from paternity fraud

Knowing the identity of a child’s father is important for a number of reasons. If a man in Kentucky is only thought to be a child’s father, a paternity test may be in order to make certain. Such a certainty may be required for situations where child custody and child...

Disputing a paternity ruling

Knowing the identity of a child’s father is important for several reasons. When fatherhood is in question in Kentucky, it’s crucial to have paternity identified for the potential father -- who may want visitation with his child -- and for the mother so she may be able...

Customize your child custody agreement

If you’re one of many Kentucky parents who are considering filing for or are currently navigating divorce, one of your top priorities is undoubtedly to make sure your children have all they need to adapt to a new lifestyle. Emotional support, as well as issues...
