Drug Possession

Drug Possession

5 suspects face a variety of drug charges

When it comes to drug-related arrests, law enforcement often works for some time to put together a set of charges against a group of people suspected of drug crimes. This can create unique defense challenges, generally offering some members of the group an opportunity...

Will Kentucky legalize marijuana in 2017?

By now, most everyone has heard some pundit or another say something along the lines of "the big surprise winner of the November elections is actually marijuana!" It is true that, despite the majority of the news cycles focusing on the presidential race, several...

2 men arrested on multiple drug charges

Two men have been arrested on a slew of drug charges after police found them dozed off in a vehicle while parked in the parking lot of a church. The bust occurred in Benton, Kentucky, in the midmorning after an officer spotted the car and the apparently sleeping...

Gangs using social media to recruit minors

Law enforcement in Louisville and elsewhere have noticed a concerning trend in criminal activity that could easily spread to other cities, if it has not already — gangs using social media as recruitment tools. Like any ostensibly commercial endeavor, gangs use social...

Is marijuana still illegal in Kentucky?

Kentucky supporters of legalizing medical marijuana, led by the governor and the House speaker, did not see a bill for medical marijuana pass in the 2016 legislative session. Yet, supporters are feeling more confident that such legalization will happen. However, for...

Advantages of Kentucky drug court programs

It's easy to become cynical in today's social and political climate, so it is sometimes good to be reminded that even in the midst of a seemingly endless stream of bad news, there are still good things that arise from surprising places. In Kentucky, the positive...
