Considerations taken by the court for child relocation

Considerations taken by the court for child relocation

by | Feb 14, 2019 | Child Custody |

Are you considering relocating for a job or another personal reason? Do you have children? Are you divorced, and do you have a child custody agreement? If you answered yes to all of these questions then you cannot simply pack up your life and your child’s life and move somewhere else. You are required by the court to notify the other parent who is not relocating. The court will take the following into consideration when determining whether or not to allow a parent to relocate with a child.

The first consideration taken by the court will be the difference in distance between the parent’s current home and their new home. The most likely way a move will be approved by the court is if it involves a shorter distance compared to a cross-country move.

The maturity and the age of the child is another consideration taken by the court when a parent wishes to relocate with a child. If the child is older, say around 12 or so, the judge might ask the child with whom he or she prefers to live.

The court is required to consider whether or not the move will help improve the quality of life for the child. The court will look at the education of the child, if it will be the same or better, and what type of leisure activities will be available in their new location.

Now that you know what the court will consider if you want to relocate, make sure you can meet the demands of the court. If not, you might have your relocation request denied by the court.
