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Dowan Law Offices

How support groups can help with divorce

If you are about to file for divorce, are in the middle of a divorce or have recently finalized a divorce, a support group might help you deal with the emotions that come with such a stressful situation. Let's take a look at how support groups can help deal with...

How do I protect my digital life after a divorce?

Most people never think that a divorce will happen to them. However, any married person faces that possibility, especially in today's world. At this time in history, almost 50% of marriages in the United States will end in a divorce. If you are one of those people who...

How divorce can indirectly impact your credit

Divorce will have many impacts on your life, including your financial life. But, these impacts will not be direct when it comes to your credit score. A credit report does not mention whether or not you are married, which means filing for a divorce will not reduce your...

Tips for attending events as a co-parent

Living as a co-parent because you have a child custody agreement in place is never easy. Even if you get along with the other parent, there will still be difficult times dealing with each other. Some of those times could very well include events involving your...
