Year: 2017
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Year: 2017

Shared credit can make a mess post-divorce

When it comes time to split up marital property in a divorce, the reality of the matter is often far more complex than people realize. One of the most common pitfalls for divorcing couples is what to do with debt that they jointly accrued. Many couples forget that...

Temporary child support modifications

Many parents who carry a child support order want to provide everything their child needs, but sometimes circumstances align that make it difficult pay all of your obligations. Often, parents who face this dilemma worry that they cannot change their child support...

Legal separations offer a divorce alternative

In some cases, a married couple experiencing relationship trouble may not be ready to pull the trigger on a complete divorce, but one or both spouses may feel that something needs to change and the strength of the court is necessary to help that change. While it is...

Is your paycheck at risk?

If you're one of many Kentucky parents whose marriages went sour and ended in divorce, you're definitely not alone. Like most parents in this and all other states, you want what's best for your kids, and you may have worried about their overall well-beings regarding...

How can I keep a pet in a divorce?

If you and your spouse have decided its time to draw up papers and move forward with your divorce, reaching fair agreements about property division can be one of the most difficult aspects of the process. Even more difficult than determining who keeps the car and who...
